Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.
- Matthew 8:20
Jesus came into the world with no place to call his own.
As He got older, Scripture tells us that the Son of man "had no place to lay His head..."
Think about this: Jesus came to us and had no home, yet when we go to Him, we go to a home He has prepared for us (John 14:3).
The holidays can be difficult, especially for those who have lost loved ones.
My hope is that through the pain, you'll find solace in knowing that our King has prepared those we've lost a home, a glorious home.
I am reminded of something that evangelist D.L. Moody once wrote. While ministering in Colorado Springs, Moody received a message that his young grandson, and namesake, had died. From his grieving heart, Moody wrote home, saying;
"I know Dwight is having a good time, and we should rejoice with him. What would the mansions be without children? And he has gone to help get things ready for his parents. You know the Master said: The last shall be first. He was the last to come into our circle, and he is the first to go up there! So safe, so free from all the sorrow that we are passing through! I do thank God for such a life. It was nearly all smiles and sunshine. What a glorified body he will have, and with what joy he will await your coming! You will have the dear little man with you for ages and ages... The word that keeps coming to my mind is this: 'It is well with the child."
Today: The holidays can amplify the absence of a loved one. Rightly so. Let's reflect on the fact that this earth is not our home and that those who have gone before us have gone to a far better place.
Memories need not be hurtful. Instead of focusing on what we've lost, let's remember the time we had. Let us praise God for giving those we've lost an eternal home.
Pastor Chris
Tawana Coleman
I loved this devotional today!
I loved this devotional today!
Tawana Coleman
Thank you for this devotional today !
Thank you for this devotional today !