Come to Him [the Lord] as to a living Stone which men rejected and threw away, but which is choice and precious in the sight of God.
- 1 Peter 2:4
Jesus was a precious and priceless King, but many never saw it. Instead, they saw him through the lens of their flesh and not with Kingdom eyes.
When people reject us or do not see our value…it is hard to not come under their reality.
Jesus was dismissed and misunderstood; how much more will you experience this?
We are being built into spiritual beings, layer by layer, inch by inch.
Don’t let being misunderstood cause you fear or confusion because your Heavenly Father never loses sight of you!
TODAY: Is my identity in the thoughts of people or the word of God? God says you were, “fearfully and wonderfully made.”! Psalm 139
You [believers], like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house...acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5
With Love,
Paper Sunday
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