- Genesis 37:4
Did you know that the sin of partiality is one of the most pervasive sins in the Church today?
We read about the sin of partiality in James Chapter 2, (though we see it throughout Scripture.)
Aptly put, the sin of partiality is your treatment of someone— or your attitude toward someone— based on something that should not be the basis of how you treat them.
We see this all the time, and honestly, quite regularly, I am guilty of committing this sin; treating people differently or showing favoritism toward someone because of their dress, nationality, social standing, wealth, et cetera...
This sin of partiality is subtle, powerful, and pervasive. Even the patriarch Jacob is not immune.
Jacob is playing favorites. He has a favorite son— Joseph. Everyone knows it. And they hate Joseph for it. It only exacerbates when Joseph gets a new jacket (vs. 3.)
Are his brothers right in hating him? Absolutely not.
But let this be a lesson in an unintended consequence.
Jacob was guilty of the sin of partiality, which led to hate, malice, and envy in his home.
Partiality may seem harmless, even good in the moment, but the effects are devastating.
So how do we avoid the sin of partiality? Two ways:
1) We begin by confessing that we are guilty of the sin of partiality. Whenever our actions and attitude contradict God's truth, we need to confess our sin and seek to align with God's heart. And no one is exempt from the sin of partiality.
If you want to fight the sin of partiality, begin by confessing your sin so that you can walk in the fruits of repentance.
2) We take Philippians 2:3 seriously... "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."
It is hard to show favoritism to someone when you see everyone as more important than yourself.
Seeing people as more important than yourself allows you to treat all with the dignity, respect, and love they deserve.
It prevents you from seeing people as a means to an end; instead, people become objects of mercy, affection, and honor.
If you want to fight the sin of impartiality, start by seeing ALL people rightly, as image-bearers of the most-high God. Remember, "there are no ordinary people!"
Press On,
Pastor Harp
Paper Sunday is blessed to collaborate with Chris Harper on today's devotional!
Chris Harper is a speaker, writer, and disciple-maker. Chris is President of 252Edu, a consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas. Chris serves schools, churches, and non-profits by helping them "grow in wisdom, favor and stature with God and man.”
When not taking ground for King Jesus, you can find Chris on the basketball court playing a pick-up game. Chris is a sneakerhead, an avid reader, and loves a good cheeseburger. You can follow him @252consulting on Instagram.