And he did not permit him but said to him, "Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.
- Mark 5:19
After being possessed by a demon for most of his life, Jesus heals and frees this man. Understandably, the man only wants to be with Jesus," (he) begged him (Jesus) that he might be with him" (vs. 18).
Jesus denies his request.
When is it better to be apart from Jesus than with Jesus? When it is the will of the King.
Jesus knew that it was far better for this man to be a witness in his home than a disciple abroad. It is better to be sent away from Christ than to remain in Christ without His consent.
Friend, the place we wish to be is not always the place for us.
The life we want to live is not always the life Christ has for us.
There are various ways of glorifying God, both in our private lives and public ministries. Yet, our first place to witness is our home. If we cannot lead in private, we are unfit to lead in public. If we cannot guide those closest to us to the King, we have no business preaching the King to others.
Jesus tells this man, "go home." "Go to your family, go to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, how he has had mercy on you" (vs. 19)
As husbands and fathers, we are called to be gospel witnesses first and foremost in our homes. This is both for our benefit and the benefit of those closest to us.
You have a tremendous amount of influence. And the most influential place you'll ever be is in your home. You have more influence over your child than the world. Do you believe this? You need to.
Go live like you believe it!
Press on,
Pastor Harp
The sentence construction (first sentence) is very poor. It sounds as if Jesus was possessed by a demon all his life.
The sentence construction (first sentence) is very poor. It sounds as if Jesus was possessed by a demon all his life.
The sentence construction (first sentence) is very poor. It sounds as if Jesus was possessed by a demon all his life.
The sentence construction (first sentence) is very poor. It sounds as if Jesus was possessed by a demon all his life.
Tammy Scott
So, are you saying that if someone in my family is not a believer in Christ, that I’m not allowed to minister to others? I’m confused. I cannot make anyone believe. I can lead them, but it’s the Lord’s job to convert them.
So, are you saying that if someone in my family is not a believer in Christ, that I’m not allowed to minister to others? I’m confused. I cannot make anyone believe. I can lead them, but it’s the Lord’s job to convert them.