A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
- Proverbs 17:22
We’ve all heard the saying, “laughter is the best medicine.” It’s true!
While we can always take aspirin or tylenol for a headache or put a bandaid on a scraped knee, it still doesn’t compare to the best medicine of all. The joy of the Lord!
When life brings sorrows and heartache, ibuprofen won’t soothe our spirit.
The joy of the Lord is a divine medicine that never runs out because it comes from Him, who is the God of more than enough!
This supernatural joy that transcends circumstances is rooted in a deep and intimate relationship with Christ.
The closer we draw to Him, the more we are receptive of His abundant flow of peace, strength and joy!
Are you in need of joy today? Know that God is for you and He is with you. He longs for you as His precious child to experience the delight of His supernatural joy. Even when you can’t see or feel it yet, give thanks and praise Him for it! He is available to you at all times and will never leave you. Rejoice in His goodness and His extravagant love for you today!
With Love,
Sarah Sherstad