My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
- Psalm 34:2 (NIV)
Just as a child boasts about their earthly father, so can we as children of God boast in our heavenly Father!
People who are aware of their weaknesses and human limitations are less likely to boast about themselves.
Like David wrote in this psalm, he’d rather take pride in his heavenly Father, proudly proclaiming His praises!
When we recognize our inadequacy and need for a savior, this actually deepens our relationship with the Lord and helps us draw closer to Him.
The more we become aware of our own weakness in our human strength, this opens us up to His power and the ability to depend on Him more fully.
We don’t have to despair in our human frailty, because through Christ we are strong.
Instead of trusting in our own strength, we can trust in the Lord’s strength and boast about Him to others! The more we take pride in Him, the joy we have in Him is multiplied and we can sing new songs of praise!
What are some things you like to boast about your heavenly Father? What are some things about His character that you love? What are some things He’s done for you that you love to tell others about? Today, take time to reflect on these things, and rejoice as you boast in the strength of your Father!
“Lord, how great you are! Help me to never exalt myself, but learn to depend on you completely and find strength through you. Just like David sang songs of pride in you, so will I boast in you all my days!”
With Love,
Paper Sunday
1 comment
Thankful for our Trinity; God-the Father, God-the Son and God-the Holy Spirit🙏
Thankful for our Trinity; God-the Father, God-the Son and God-the Holy Spirit🙏