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Daily Devotional • Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.  - Psalm 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.

- Psalm 46:10

The neighborhood was quiet and still, except for the melody of one small bird.

He wasn’t bothered by the darkness or troubled by storms and devastation of the previous night.

He was waiting for the sunrise, singing his heart out.

Isn’t hope like that little bird?

It sings out in the midst of adversity. It isn’t dependent on circumstances and it isn’t a natural response.

Hope comes from knowing Jesus, the One who desires to give you a future and a hope.

Like the little bird singing in the still and quiet dawn, God calls to you to be still and quiet, so that He can speak to you and sing to your soul.

However, to be still is more than just being quiet. It is ceasing to strive to be in control of your life.

Instead, we can rest assured knowing that God is in control and we can trust His perfect plan for our lives.

Today: How can you be still before God? Take time today to sing praise to God for all that He has done already in your life.

With Love,
Kara Heckel

1 comment



The Lord often speaks to me through nature. Today’s devotional was exactly what I needed to hear. It has spoken not only to my head, but to my heart as well. Thank you so much.
Bless your heart… and every other part Kara.

The Lord often speaks to me through nature. Today’s devotional was exactly what I needed to hear. It has spoken not only to my head, but to my heart as well. Thank you so much.
Bless your heart… and every other part Kara.

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