Psalms 55:22 devotional, daily devotional, devotionals, free email devotional, prayer cards

Daily Devotional • Psalm 55:22

Cast your burden on the Lord and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.  - Psalm 55:22

Cast your burden on the Lord and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

- Psalm 55:22

The word “cast” literally means to throw off or send out.

In this scripture, the Lord is telling us to “throw off” our burdens unto Him. Many of the burdens we find ourselves carrying like anxiety, stress, worry, heaviness, depression and anger are all burdens that are not meant for us to carry.

This does not mean we won’t go through trials in our life, but despite the trials we can still lean into God’s promises and operate in His perfect peace, joy and strength regardless of circumstances.

No matter what is happening or how overwhelming things may get, the Lord is always there for you to cast your burdens onto Him.

Many times when David wrote the Psalms, he was facing great opposition and enemies coming after him.

Despite these harrowing circumstances, he was still enabled to turn his eyes to the Lord and cast off the fear and heaviness.

When David did this, the Lord was faithful to sustain him through every difficulty and did not allow David to be shaken!

Are you carrying a heavy burden today? Have you felt hopeless recently with difficult circumstances? The Lord wants to carry that burden for you. Go to Him in prayer and cast off your burdens as many times as you need until you have fully let go. God has a great purpose for your life and just like with David, He will sustain you and not allow you to be moved!  

With Love,
Sarah Sherstad

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