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Advent Devotional 11 • Isaiah 9:6

...and the government shall be upon his shoulder.  - Isaiah 9:6  

Advent Devotional Series...and the government shall be upon his shoulder.  

- Isaiah 9:6

Surveys leading up to the American presidential election in 2020 showed high amounts of stress for U. S. citizens.

We are a politically invested people.

In some ways, we get too politically invested and hang our hats on election results.

We become "Chicken Littles," convinced the sky is falling when our person doesn't get elected.

Christmas brings a salve to our political angst.

It reminds us that Jesus, the Son of God, broke into our world as a precursor to his ultimate rule over our world.

This governing role of Jesus is seen in Mary's Magnificat.

She acknowledges in principle what Isaiah prophesies when she says "he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate..." (Luke 1:52)

He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Whether it be world wars, economic instability, political rivalry, or civic chaos, we need not be among the many who fear.

Christmas is a reminder, a harbinger of sorts, that the baby in the manger is the King... as John wrote, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever." (Revelation 11:15)

So relax...Jesus reigns!

Today’s Reflection & Action:

Do politics cause you fear and frustration? Why? How does this square with the fact that Jesus is our King?

Bring your angst and anxiety over government and politics to the Lord in prayer.

Pastor Chris

Paper Sunday is blessed to collaborate with Chris Harper on this Advent Devotional Series.

Chris Harper is a speaker, writer, and disciple-maker. Chris is President of 252Edu, a consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas. Chris serves schools, churches, and non-profits by helping them "grow in wisdom, favor and stature with God and man.”

When not taking ground for King Jesus, you can find Chris on the basketball court playing a pick-up game. Chris is a sneakerhead, an avid reader, and loves a good cheeseburger. You can follow him @252consulting on Instagram. 

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