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Best Thanksgiving Recipe Ever!

The Upper Room Gets It! Reading Best Thanksgiving Recipe Ever! 2 minutes Next The One New Year’s Resolution....

Much to my mother in law’s chagrin, I am not a great cook.    Thankfully, she sends me endless recipes and cookbooks.   I love to pour over them, quickly scanning each recipe for skill level:  Easy. 

This winter I do plan on upping my game in the kitchen, especially around warm and hearty soups.   Anyone can throw a handful of ingredients in to a pot and simmer, right?   YES!

Staying on theme… I cannot think of a better recipe for the world pre-Thanksgiving and post-election than this:

  • 1 Large Heaping Cup of Love
  • Add Endless Teaspoons of Grace
  • Mix Repeatedly
  • Pour Out

But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together.   And one of them, a lawyer,  asked him a question to test him.  “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”  And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.    

People, let’s show love to each other right now.   Whether it’s your friend who voted for the ‘other guy’ or your crazy Uncle who has one too many bourbons on turkey day, it really can start with you.    I am clearly a sucker for recipes labeled EASY.   I have found it much easier, less stressful, and less energy to walk in love, kindness, and grace.  

I pray you all have an awesome Thanksgiving holiday and I am relentlessly praying our nation embraces this time and each other with love.

P.S.   If you are looking for some great soup recipes this winter, check out her blog. I can’t wait for colder temps, winter fire and a new recipe from the soup whisperer!

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