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The Upper Room Gets It!

We love this resource provided by The Upper Room and we could not agree more that "personalizing scripture can lead us into a new depth of conversation with God."

The heart behind Paper Sunday is just that. We know God is real. We believe he’s real big, real awesome, and real personal. As you turn each page of your Paper Sunday journal, you are drawn into that deeper fellowship with Him. Seventy-two pages, seventy-two personalized scriptures.


As Teresa of Avila said, “Prayer is nothing more than an intimate conversation between friends.” God has begun a conversation with us in scripture. In prayer, we can participate in that conversation and continue it. Personalizing scripture can lead us into a new depth of conversation with God. Personalize scripture by adding your name to the passage as you read it.

Going Deeper

Try It Out

• Select a scripture from the list below or another scripture you have chosen.
• Prayerfully take the first line or phrase of the passage and insert your own name, as if it were addressed to you.
• Meditate on the words as they are spoken to you. What is your response to the reading? Write down your honest reply.
• Return to the scripture text. Take the next line or phrase as if it were spoken to you. Follow the same process in responding to the message there.
• Be aware that God may lead you on from what has been spoken to you in scripture. Respond to that leading and allow the conversation to flow naturally.

For example, read Isaiah 43:1–4 as a basis for conversation with God. Begin by asking the Holy Spirit to guide this time of meditation and prayer. In your journal, start by writing out the verse, and inserting your name. Hear it as spoken to you in a personal way by God.

But now, says the Lord—
the one who created you, ______,
    the one who formed you, ______:
Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have called you by name; you are mine. (Vs. 1)

As these words sink in, what is God saying to you? Listen deeply to that message. Write your response to God as honestly as possible. It may be positive or negative, trusting or doubting. God wants you to be real.

Return to the next words in verse 2, again writing them personally to you. Continue this process through the end of the passage—God’s words, your honest replies. Allow the conversation to continue if that seems appropriate, depending on God’s spirit to guide you.

Choose a Scripture to Personalize

Isaiah 55:1-3 -- Thirsty for More?
Isaiah 43:1-4 -- Do Not Fear
Jeremiah 1:4-8 -- God Knows You
Jeremiah 18:1-6 -- The Potter and the Clay
Isaiah 43:15-19 -- A New Thing
Isaiah 59:1-2 -- Sin Is a Barrier
Isaiah 54:1-8 -- Your Maker Is Your Husband
Joshua 1:9 -- Be Strong and Courageous!
1 Corinthians 10: 13 -- Endurance in Temptation
James 1:2-4 -- Testing Leads to Maturity

"The Upper Room." Articles on Prayer. N.p., 06 Aug. 2015. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.


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