But as it is written... eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, Neither have entered into the heart of man, The things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
- 1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV
Giving ourselves up to God through Jesus shows that we love him; Being a living sacrifice and doers of his word.
The Bible says those that love me keep my word. When we walk with the Lord he helps us to live uprightly before him.
What God has prepared for us is greater than anyone has ever seen or heard.
This life is short, like a vapor!
Our lives in him are eternal.
Keeping our hearts on Jesus ensures our eternity. What God has in store for us is great than what we have in our hearts.
Knowing this truth puts life into perspective.
If all things are working for our good we know that God has prepared the way. Our goal is heaven and eternity with our Father. Coming from a place a knowing gives us power – KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
Thank you Lord for the truth that what you have prepared for us is greater than we can even imagine. I thank you for the promise of heaven through salvation with your son Jesus. I am eternally grateful.
With Love,
Corrin Hallett
1 comment
Linda Messner
Daily Devotion is such a blessing
Daily Devotion is such a blessing