Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
- James 4:10 KJV
Humbling yourself before the Lord is fully surrendering to Him.
It’s telling Him that apart from Him we can do nothing!
In humbling ourselves we find His strength. We find His goodness and His mercy.
We place our weaknesses at His feet. We position ourselves as servants, ready to live in His purpose and will for our lives.
One of the fastest ways to humble yourself is in fasting. Breaking down your flesh to build up your spirit. Living a fasted and prayerful lifestyle helps keep you humble and reliant on the Lord. Father, We humble ourselves before you. We know that apart from you we can do nothing. Help us to keep you at the center of it all. When we are weak, you are our strength. You are a good, good Father. You are working everything out for our good. We honor you and glorify your name.
In Jesus Name,
Corrin Hallett