Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence; And take not your holy spirit from me.
- Psalm 51:10-11
The heart posture is the most important posture you can have as a child of God, and only the Lord can create that within a person.
The more time you spend with the Lord in prayer and comprehending His word, the more conscious you will be of your heart posture before Him.
In doing so, you remain in His Presence.
The Lord loves us very much. He gives us mercy and grace in the areas where he knows we fall short.
And the good news is, His mercies are new each morning!
Let’s take this example and give it to those in our daily life who need it the most.
Truly showing your heart posture is not just being good to those who are good to you.
It’s being good to those who don’t treat you well. Your character is a direct reflection of your heart posture.
Dear Lord, I thank you that you purify my heart and my intentions before you. I pray that you create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Help me to walk uprightly before you. Help me to encourage those who are around me to do the same. Guide me to pray for those who struggle in that area. Help me to give grace to those who need it most. Give me understanding in my walk with you. I pray Lord that my heart posture remains humble before you. I thank you that you hear me and while I’m still speaking you answer.
In Jesus Mighty Name I pray.
Corrin Hallett
1 comment
Great Morning!
This is one, of many, of my favorite scriptures. Of how sweet a prayer this verse is. I find it to be a wonderful start to the day because we want to do a check up of our posture, intent and motive to ensure that it’s ALWAYS pleasing unto God! That way we are certain that as He guides us in our daily interaction, He receives ALL glory, ALL honor and ALL praise as a result! Thank you for this awe-inspiring devotional!
Peace and Blessings
Great Morning!
This is one, of many, of my favorite scriptures. Of how sweet a prayer this verse is. I find it to be a wonderful start to the day because we want to do a check up of our posture, intent and motive to ensure that it’s ALWAYS pleasing unto God! That way we are certain that as He guides us in our daily interaction, He receives ALL glory, ALL honor and ALL praise as a result! Thank you for this awe-inspiring devotional!
Peace and Blessings