If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
- John 12:26 KJV
He who is a servant is the greatest among them.
Jesus set the example by washing each of his disciples’ feet. He is a King, but he came to be a servant.
No servant is greater than his master. He wanted his disciples to do the same. To be a servant to all.
In life as believers, we are to serve others. To be a good steward, you must be a servant. Stewards are doers of the word.
Not just speaking it with your mouth but, doing what the word says to do.
God is the greatest servant among us, yet He is God. It’s easy to say I serve God but who are you serving?
Jesus chose to be of no reputation. If your reputation prevents you from serving others, then your value is in man’s opinion of you and not God’s.
PRAYER: Father, help me to be of service to others. Help me to be a doer of your word. Let me be of no reputation. Give me to ability to serve others. In my family, in my community, and in every area of my life. I humble myself Lord.
In Jesus Name,
Corrin Hallett