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Daily Devotional • Matthew 5:16

In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.  - Matthew 5:16

In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

- Matthew 5:16

I remember one-Fourth of July at my in-laws when I walked up from the local pond with my daughter. It was dusk, fireworks had just started going off overhead, and the fireflies lit up all around us. I have never seen so many fireflies at once before, and I’ve never seen them like that since. But that moment always made me think of how we as believers have the light of the Holy Spirit in us, and we can shine the love of Jesus to others so that they notice the difference in us and want to know what it is.

We are to be a light to a dark world.

Did you know that each of us has been given spiritual gifts to use for God’s glory? For some believers, their gift could be encouraging others or serving or teaching. For others, it is the gift of leadership or mercy. For others still, it could be the gift of perceiving.

But how do you know what your specific gift is? Often, it is where your natural bend is. What comes easily to you? Do you find yourself teaching others what you know? That is the gift of teaching. Or do you see a problem and immediately think of ways to solve it? You may have the gift of leadership. Some people are automatically inclined to help. They are the ones who jump in to clean, set up chairs, or move furniture--which is often the gift of service.

If you are still determining your gifts, ask those around you what they see in you. Pray about it and search God’s Word for direction. Think of moments of adversity; how did you react? Did you encourage those around you? Did you take the lead, helping to guide others? Whatever your gifts might be, remember that Matthew tells us we shouldn’t keep our gifts to ourselves, but instead use them for God’s glory. So, like the fireflies who shone their lights, don’t be afraid to shine the light of Christ so that others will be drawn to Him.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me be a light for you. Enable me to share the gifts you have given me so that others might see you and want to know you more. Amen.  

With Love,
Sherry Shepherd




Wow you guys always know how to make the day start better!
Thank you! ☺️

Wow you guys always know how to make the day start better!
Thank you! ☺️



Thank you!

Thank you!

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