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Daily Devotional • Romans 12:10

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.  - Romans 12:10

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

- Romans 12:10

What is honor? What does it mean to outdo others in honoring them?

First, we must look at the words we speak to others. Are they dishonoring the person or reinforcing God’s best for them?

Proverbs tells us that our words either make a deposit in someone’s life or they make a withdrawal.

Not only that, but the words we tell ourselves matter because our lives move in the direction of our strongest thoughts.

That is a sobering thing to think about.

What have your latest thoughts been about? Are they positive and uplifting towards yourself and others? Or do you dwell on the negative and the shortcomings of others?

Do you have confidence that God will help you accomplish His will for your life, or do you constantly doubt yourself and your abilities?

Our minds are powerful, and our thoughts can directly affect our actions. That’s why staying in the Word of God and memorizing it is so important. When those negative things creep into our daily lives and thoughts, they can poison our witness. They can hold us back from accomplishing all that God has for us. When that happens, and we turn to the Scriptures, we can remind ourselves what the truth is and who God says we are.

God’s Word tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving others means we treat them as the precious gifts they are, remembering Christ died for them too.

When we choose to honor one another, it creates security within the relationship, and that security in the relationship leads to intimacy. In addition, honor releases the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.

You may be thinking, but I don’t feel like honoring “that person.”

However, honor is based on action and not feelings. It is a choice, and when we put it into action, it pleases God.

God loves to reward us. When we obey Him, He blesses us and bestows favor. Often, when I turn things over to Jesus and trust Him with the outcome, He always works things out in ways I can never anticipate.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me love and honor others so they will see You through me. Help me trust you for the outcome when honoring someone is difficult. Amen.  

With Love,
Sherry Shepherd

1 comment



Bravo…exactly what I needed to hear today.
Thank you, Sherry!

Bravo…exactly what I needed to hear today.
Thank you, Sherry!

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