The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.
- Psalms 103:6
God's love for us is based on His character. He is merciful and withholds judgment. He is not passive-aggressive.
Our sins do not cause God's love to be diminished towards us. He will never withdraw His love from us or use it to manipulate or betray us.
As a father has compassion for his children, so does God have compassion on us. Indeed, His mercies are new every morning!
While God does get angry over sin, He lets go of it when He forgives us. He remembers it no more. He forgets our sins and still relates to us in love.
In fact, His Word tells us that when He forgives our sins, He separates them from us as far as the East is from the West.
Therefore, we never need to continue living in guilt, reliving our past mistakes, because once we are forgiven, God separates our sin from us and does not remember it any longer.
So, stop and turn around if you have been moving in the wrong direction, turn from the wrong you are doing and ask God for forgiveness. He is quick to forgive and bring you back into the fold.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for understanding my humanness and dealing with me in mercy and love. Please forgive me for straying from you and keep me close to you today. Amen.
With Love,
Sherry Shepherd