In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and He answered by setting me free.
- Psalm 118:5
Give more and more of yourself to God, and you will experience more and more freedom.
Many of us have a habit of withholding our emotions, hiding our pain or stifling our joy because we are too consumed with how others may view us or think of us.
With God, we don’t have to hide anything.
In reality, He already sees us and knows us more intimately that we know ourselves.
There is nowhere to hide when it comes to God. We should take comfort in that truth!
Come to Him when you are hurting, and He will share in your pain.
Come to Him when you are joyful, and He will share in your joy as well and even multiply it! Sharing ourselves with the Lord and actively opening our hearts to Him will give us newfound freedom.
By repeatedly exposing ourselves to His presence and His truth, past bondages and cycles of negative traits will break off!
As His children, we are to be lovers of His presence.
In His presence is where long-term freedom can be found, living in communion with Him daily and choosing to withhold nothing.
Ever since the finished work of the cross, the bondage of sin has no power over us. Jesus already paid the price, and whoever the Son sets free is free indeed! (John 8:36)
Is there anything you’ve withheld from God? Is there anything you’ve bottled up inside? God is the only one who understands you perfectly, and He longs for you to give more of yourself to Him. Whatever your personal need is, be encouraged to call out to Him and He will set you free and multiply your joy!
“Lord, thank you that I can come to you unashamed. Help me to press into your presence today. Expose all lies of the enemy under the light of your love. Thank you for setting me free and healing my heart.”
With Love,
Paper Sunday
Tawana Coleman
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I love all of your devotionals!
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I love all of your devotionals!
Tawana Coleman
I love all of your devotionals!
I love all of your devotionals!
Tawana Coleman
I love all of your devotionals!
I love all of your devotionals!
Tawana Coleman
I love all of your devotionals!
I love all of your devotionals!