It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect.
- Psalm 18:32
He is the God who makes you strong!
Ever found yourself burned out after trying to do things all by yourself?
It can be easy to try and accomplish things in our own strength.
Even when we do manage to be successful in getting things done, we rarely are ever able to enjoy the outcome because we are so exhausted.
God designed us to cooperate with Him in all things, not operate a one-man show where we do everything in our own power.
Many times, we may long to accomplish things by ourselves because it’s easier than recognizing our own insufficiency. However, God desires to fill in these insufficiencies with His strength!
Often, it is through our weakness and insufficiency that we draw closer to God. When you go to Him and pour out your heart, it is His good pleasure to instill you with His supernatural strength and grace to accomplish that which He has called you to do!
Because of this, do not despise your weakness. Rather, see them as empty “cups” waiting to be filled by the Lord’s power.
When you’re in a close walk with Him, you can have mighty confidence despite your insufficiency, because you know that God is infinite in His sufficiency!
By meditating on His word daily and seeking Him in prayer, the truth of His word will wash over you, permeating your being and empowering you.
Do you need strength today? The Lord is waiting for you with open arms, ready to empower you and equip you with His unfailing love.
Instead of dreading the day ahead, you can approach it with confidence knowing the Lord is working alongside you and through you. You never have to face anything alone, because His abundance of flowing strength will never run out!
With Love,
Sarah Sherstad
The joy of the Lord is my strength! Thank you for this reminder.
The joy of the Lord is my strength! Thank you for this reminder.
Thank you for the devotion.
Thank you for the devotion.
What a great word. Thank you.
What a great word. Thank you.
This was something deep I needed to hear ❤️
This was something deep I needed to hear ❤️
That devotional really was a source of encouragement – THANK YOU Sarah!!!
That devotional really was a source of encouragement – THANK YOU Sarah!!!
Myesha Reynolds
I love this. It is God’s desire that we be so reliant on Him for everything. He loves that! We can never “wear him out with our neediness!” Thank you for sharing these beautiful truths with us.
I love this. It is God’s desire that we be so reliant on Him for everything. He loves that! We can never “wear him out with our neediness!” Thank you for sharing these beautiful truths with us.
Becca Ruiz
This is so powerful!! 🙌🏽🔥
This is so powerful!! 🙌🏽🔥
Thank you for the daily devotional, I’m going through a lot right now. The devotionals are uplifting. God Bless you.
Thank you for the daily devotional, I’m going through a lot right now. The devotionals are uplifting. God Bless you.