It is written: So now I’ll lie down and sleep like a baby—then I’ll awake in safety, for you surround me with your glory.
- Psalm 3:5
In this song, King David was writing about the time when he was fleeing Absalom, his own son!
There were many dark forces out to harm him, so you can imagine David probably felt terrified and sleep did not come easy when night fell.
However, David knew in the depths of his heart that the Lord was His shield.
Despite his fear, David cried out to His father, knowing He would come to His rescue.
Have you ever struggled to sleep at night?
Thankfully, most of us probably haven’t been in the exact situation as David. However, no doubt there have been times where fear has tried to rob us of our rest.
Whenever the enemy tries to steal our peace or we feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life, we can still sleep like a baby knowing that the Lord is our shield and He covers us with His glory!
When you understand Who you belong to, the Creator and ultimate King of the universe, the fears and ominous circumstances that used to frighten you become laughable.
The enemy knows that if he can rob us of our peace, he can rob us of our sleep too. Do not give in to his lies!
In times where you are fearful and sleep seems impossible, cry out to God! Know today you are covered by His grace and His glory.
He longs for you to have peace, and sleep through the night soundly.
When you awake, you will find yourself safe in the arms of your Father, where He has prepared a feast of favor and bliss!
With Love,
Sarah Sherstad