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Daily Devotional • Song of Songs 2:10-12

My beloved speaks and says to me: “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.  - Songs of Songs 2:10-12
Daily Devotional • Ephesians 2:10 Reading Daily Devotional • Song of Songs 2:10-12 3 minutes Next Daily Devotional • Romans 8:31-39

My beloved speaks and says to me: “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.

- Song of Songs 2:10-12

When the only form of love someone has experienced is human love, then they haven’t experienced the truest love of all.

Know this: The love God has for you is unlike any other.

Read through today’s scripture carefully and soak up every word. That is God speaking to you, your beloved. Whether you may realize it or not, you ARE His beautiful one.

Listen, my dearest darling, you are so beautiful–you are beauty itself to me! –Song of Songs 4:1

Have you ever received so much adoration from someone that you didn’t know how to react? Have you ever been under the gaze of adoration from someone and felt like it didn’t belong to you?

Sometimes we may read through the scriptures, read about God’s amazing love, and then look behind us before pointing at ourselves and say, “Me? Is He really talking to me?”

The answer to that is an astounding, “Yes!”

You are His beloved, and He is yours! Know today that He is calling you out of your hiding place.

Why would you shy away from His love? Why would you look away from the One who loves you most?

Why would you wait a second longer before running to Him? There is no shame in His presence.

You are blameless in His sight because of what Jesus has done for you. You are washed clean and shining bright with His robe of righteousness! How He adores and loves you!

It is time to rejoice and arise with your beloved!
Come away with Him today, for He is waiting for you.

Prayer: Lord, there are no words to describe the beauty of your love and who you are. Help me to fully receive and experience the amazing love that you have for me! How I long to spend time away with you and meet you face to face. Help me to see myself the way you do and be transformed by this extravagant love. Thank you for calling me to you, as I choose to run into your arms today.  

With Love,
Sarah Sherstad

1 comment



Thank You, I so needed to hear this today, I have felt like pond scum for years because of how many people I have allowed to walk over me and tear me down over the years. One being my mother tearing me down in front of my kids which I never knew until my daughter said it she was a narcissist. Felt like it was always my fault for my for my brother sexually assaulting and raping me at 10 years old, and also allowing my husband to always talk down to me for 27 years of marriage and my daughter talking down to me at times also. I am so so tired. I don’t know how to hold on anymore. I’m drowning

Thank You, I so needed to hear this today, I have felt like pond scum for years because of how many people I have allowed to walk over me and tear me down over the years. One being my mother tearing me down in front of my kids which I never knew until my daughter said it she was a narcissist. Felt like it was always my fault for my for my brother sexually assaulting and raping me at 10 years old, and also allowing my husband to always talk down to me for 27 years of marriage and my daughter talking down to me at times also. I am so so tired. I don’t know how to hold on anymore. I’m drowning

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