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Daily Devotional • Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.  - Proverbs 4:23
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Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

- Proverbs 4:23

Solomon was a man who had everything anyone could ever want.

He had riches, power, love, a family, and many women. (which was customary at that time). And yet, for much of his life he felt unsatisfied.

He knew every pleasure and yet also knew that true fulfillment only came from knowing God.

He tells us in this scripture to guard our hearts.

Your heart holds all that is dear to you. It guides your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions. To an extent, it dictates where you spend your time.

Solomon says we are to focus on what is good and right so that we remain steadfast to the Lord and stay on the right path.

Our enemy is like a roaring lion seeking to destroy us. He will use every tactic he knows to pull us away from following Christ. His lures are beautiful. He whispers things like, “No one will know.” And “You won’t get caught.”

But his ways always lead to destruction. Always.

So, we must be careful to guard our hearts and minds so that we don’t become ensnared in sin.

Today, ask God to remove any obstacle keeping you from following Him. God’s ways will lead you to a life of true contentment.  

With Love,
Paper Sunday

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