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Daily Devotional • Romans 12:2 ESV

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  - Romans 12:2 ESV

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

- Romans 12:2 ESV

The mind is a battlefield.

Negative self talk, false ideologies, toxic beliefs, pride, insecurity, impatience, unwanted memories…wilderness mentalities.

Patterns of thinking that can disrupt and distract us away from “Godly thinking” while drawing us towards and confining us to “me thinking”.

Our thoughts have the power to shape how we see ourselves, how we navigate through life, the choices we make and how we manage our relationship with ourselves and others.

Renewing your mind aligns your thoughts with God’s Truth.

By doing so, you will recognize the lies of the enemy by revelation from the Holy Spirit.

God’s Word cancels falsehoods!

When we don’t surrender our focus, perspective, and beliefs then we are pulled away from God’s best for us.

The word of God must become our standard and frame of reference for navigating the nuances of this story called life; in spite of how we are experiencing it and even if we don’t understand or perceive it.

We need to keep in mind that thoughts do not function independently. They partner with our emotions both for our benefit and for our demise.

Emotions are indicators and should not be given authority to dictate or govern how we live.

It is essential to take our thoughts and feelings captive and place them under the obedience of the LORD and the Truths of His Word.

How? Not in our own strength but by the Word of God. Read it! Write it! Recite it! Receive it! Amen!!

He will equip you with the wisdom and discernment to make healthier decisions and live according to His path for you.

Friends, we must be diligent! The mind is a battlefield. The Word of God is sharp and will cut through and down to the thickest marrow of our hearts and minds. Gird yourself with the full armor of God! Take up your sword and strike! Amen!

With Love,
Jasmine Marrero

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