Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
- Matthew 7:7 KJV
The Lord wants you to ask of him. To seek him. To knock unto him.
He wants you to come to him in all your situations!
When things go wrong in your life who is the first person you call to tell? Do you have someone you consistently vent to?
The Lord wants to be that person in your life. He wants you to cry out to him always.
When you’re excited. When you’re sad. When you’re joyful. When you’re broken. He wants to be your number one.
God said that there’s nothing that he won’t give to you when you’re asking, seeking, and knocking at his door.
I thank you that you are a good father. If I ask you for bread, you will not give me a stone. Help me to run to you first. No matter the circumstances. May you always be my first call.
I will A.S.K.
In Jesus Name,
With Love,
Corrin Hallett