Paper Sunday Daily Devotionals
- All posts
- 1 Chronicles 16:11 (ESV)
- 1 Chronicles 16:27
- 1 Chronicles 16:34
- 1 Chronicles 29:11 ESV
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
- 1 Corinthians 13:3-7
- 1 Corinthians 13:4
- 1 Corinthians 15:57
- 1 Corinthians 15:58
- 1 Corinthians 3:9
- 1 Corinthians 4:10
- 1 Corinthians 9:25
- 1 John 1:7
- 1 John 3: 1-2
- 1 John 3:1
- 1 John 3:18 NKJV
- 1 John 4:16
- 1 John 4:18
- 1 John 4:19-20
- 1 John 4:4
- 1 John 4:8
- 1 John 4:9-11
- 1 Kings 19:12 (NIV)
- 1 Kings 22:5 (NIV)
- 1 Peter 1:16
- 1 Peter 1:1b
- 1 Peter 1:24
- 1 Peter 1:24-25
- 1 Peter 1:3 NLT
- 1 Peter 1:6
- 1 Peter 1:6-7
- 1 Peter 1:8
- 1 Peter 2:2
- 1 Peter 2:4
- 1 Peter 2:9
- 1 Peter 3:1
- 1 Peter 3:10
- 1 Peter 4:10
- 1 Peter 4:7
- 1 Peter 5:10
- 1 Peter 5:2
- 1 Peter 5:5
- 1 Peter 5:6
- 1 Peter 5:7
- 1 Peter 5:7 AMPC
- 1 Peter 5:8-9
- 1 Peter 5:8-9 AMP
- 1 Samuel 16:7
- 1 Samuel 1:13
- 1 thessalonians 5:11
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV)
- 1 Timothy 4:7
- 2 Chronicles 20:15 ESV
- 2 Chronicles 32:8
- 2 Corinthians 10:5
- 2 Corinthians 12:9
- 2 Corinthians 13:5
- 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
- 2 Corinthians 2:15
- 2 Corinthians 3:17
- 2 Corinthians 3:18
- 2 Corinthians 3:5
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- 2 Corinthians 9:8
- 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
- 2 Kings 3; 16-17 AMPC
- 2 Peter 1:21
- 2 Peter 2:9
- 2 Peter 3:1
- 2 Samuel 22:31
- 2 Thessalonians 3:3
- 2 Timothy 1:6-7
- 2 Timothy 1:7
- 2 Timothy 4:17
- 2 Timothy 4:18
- Acts 16:25
- Acts 16:25 KJV
- Acts 20:24
- Acts 28:3
- Audri Marie Saylors
- back to school gift
- baptism gift
- Best Christian Gift
- Bible Journal
- Bible Study gift
- bridesmaid gift
- Carolyn Dunegan
- Chris Haprer
- chris harper
- Christian Gift
- christmas gift
- Church Group gift
- Colossians 1:10
- Colossians 1:16
- Colossians 1:26
- Colossians 1:7
- Colossians 1:9
- Colossians 2:14
- Colossians 2:2-3
- Colossians 2:6-7 ESV
- Colossians 3:13
- Colossians 3:14-15 (TPT)
- Colossians 3:16
- Colossians 3:17 (MSG)
- Colossians 3:23 KJV
- Colossians 4:2
- Corinthians 3:17
- Corrin Hallett
- Daily Devotional
- Daniel 10:12
- Daniel 12:3
- Daniel 9:9
- Deuteronomy 15:10
- Deuteronomy 2:8
- Deuteronomy 30:20
- Deuteronomy 31:8
- Deuteronomy 31:8 AMPC
- Deuteronomy 32:46
- devotional
- Devotional Journal
- devotionals
- Easter gift
- Ecclesiastes 3:1
- Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
- Ecclesiastes 7:2
- email devotional
- Ephesians 1:13
- Ephesians 1:17
- Ephesians 1:3
- Ephesians 1:4
- Ephesians 1:4-5
- Ephesians 1:7-8
- Ephesians 2: 7-8
- Ephesians 2:10
- Ephesians 2:19
- Ephesians 2:8
- Ephesians 2:8 NLT
- Ephesians 2:8-9
- Ephesians 3:12
- Ephesians 3:18
- Ephesians 3:20
- Ephesians 4:14
- Ephesians 4:20-24 [NKJV]
- Ephesians 4:26
- Ephesians 4:26-27
- Ephesians 4:28
- Ephesians 4:32
- Ephesians 5:17 (ESV)
- Ephesians 6:11
- Exodus 14:14 NIV
- Exodus 15:2
- Exodus 15:26
- Exodus 20:12
- Exodus 33:14
- Ezekiel 37:4-5 NLT
- Free Daily Devotional
- Galatians 1:10 ESV
- Galatians 5: 22-23
- Galatians 5:1
- Galatians 5:22-23
- Galatians 5:25
- Galatians 6:9
- Genesis 19:26
- Genesis 1:31 NIV
- Genesis 28:15
- Genesis 37:25
- Genesis 37:28
- Genesis 39:12
- Genesis 39:20
- Genesis 39:3
- Genesis 39:9
- Genesis 40:23
- Genesis 41:51-52
- Habakkuk 2:2 KJV
- Hebrews 11:1
- Hebrews 11:1-3
- Hebrews 11:19-23
- Hebrews 11:8
- Hebrews 12:1 ESV
- Hebrews 12:1-2
- Hebrews 12:11
- Hebrews 12:12-13
- Hebrews 12:13
- Hebrews 12:15
- Hebrews 12:1b
- Hebrews 12:2
- Hebrews 12:22
- Hebrews 12:5
- Hebrews 13:2
- Hebrews 13:20
- Hebrews 13:5
- Hebrews 13:8
- Hebrews 3:15
- Hebrews 4:12
- hebrews 4:14
- Hebrews 9:24
- Herbrews 12:11
- Hosea 6:6 TLB
- I John 4:18
- I Peter 5:7
- I Thessalonians 5:16–18 NKJV
- II Corinthians 5:17 NKJV
- Isaiah 11:1
- Isaiah 21:12
- Isaiah 25:8
- Isaiah 26:3
- Isaiah 30:21
- Isaiah 40:29
- Isaiah 40:31
- Isaiah 40:8
- isaiah 41:10
- Isaiah 41:10 AMP
- Isaiah 41:10 ESV
- Isaiah 41:13
- Isaiah 42:3 (NIV)
- Isaiah 43:1
- Isaiah 43:18-19
- Isaiah 43:18–19
- Isaiah 43:19 APMC
- Isaiah 43:2
- Isaiah 46:3-4
- Isaiah 49:15-16
- Isaiah 49:15-16 (NIV)
- Isaiah 51:12
- Isaiah 53:5
- isaiah 54:10
- Isaiah 55:1
- Isaiah 55:1-3
- Isaiah 55:6
- Isaiah 58:11
- Isaiah 64:4
- Isaiah 64:8 KJV
- James 1:19
- James 1:2-3 (NKJV)
- James 1:2-4
- James 1:22–25 NKJV
- James 1:5
- James 2:13
- James 4:10 KJV
- James 4:2
- James 5:17
- James 5:8
- Janay Wilborn
- Jasmine Marrero
- Jeremiah 17:14
- Jeremiah 1:5
- Jeremiah 29: 12-13
- Jeremiah 29:11
- Jeremiah 29:11 ESV
- Jeremiah 29:12-13
- Jeremiah 29:13-14
- Jeremiah 31:14
- Job 11:1315
- Job 23:10
- Job 37:5-6
- Job 7:20
- Joel 2:12 ESV
- John 10:10
- John 10:11
- John 10:27
- John 10:28
- John 10:3
- John 11:25-26
- John 11:35
- John 12:26 KJV
- John 14:12
- John 14:13-14
- John 14:15
- John 14:15 (NKJV)
- John 14:26
- John 14:26-27
- John 14:27
- John 14:6
- John 15:11
- John 15:12
- John 15:14-15
- John 15:15
- John 15:1–8
- John 15:5
- John 15:5 (TPT)
- John 15:5 TPT
- John 15:8
- John 16:12-15
- John 16:22
- John 16:33 KJV
- John 17:13
- John 19:30
- John 1:12-13
- John 1:38
- John 1:7
- John 20:25
- John 3:16
- John 3:16 KJV
- John 3:30
- John 3:33
- John 3:6
- John 4:13-14
- John 4:13-14 ESV
- John 5:6-8
- John 6:69
- John 8:30–36 NKJV
- John 8:32
- John 8:32 (NKJV)
- Joshua 1:9
- Joshua 1:9 NIV
- kara
- Kara Heckel
- Kristi Briggs
- Lamentations 3:22
- Lamentations 3:22-23
- Lamentations 3:40
- Luke 10:27
- Luke 10:41-42 (NIV)
- Luke 12:24
- Luke 12:33
- Luke 12:7
- Luke 13:11-12 NIV
- Luke 15:20 (NIV)
- Luke 17:4
- Luke 18:10
- Luke 18:17
- Luke 1:13
- Luke 1:20
- Luke 1:35
- Luke 1:38
- Luke 1:41
- Luke 1:45
- Luke 1:46-47
- Luke 2
- Luke 22:39
- Luke 2:10
- Luke 2:13
- Luke 2:15
- Luke 2:17
- Luke 2:34-35
- Luke 4:42
- Luke 6:32
- Luke 6:37
- Luke 6:44
- Luke 6:45 (NIV)
- Luke 7:47
- Luke 7:8
- Mark 12:30
- Mark 4:37
- Mark 5:19
- Mark 5:25-29 (NKJV)
- Mark 5:35-36 AMP
- Mark 9:23
- Mark 9:38
- Matthew 10:16
- Matthew 10:39
- Matthew 11:28
- Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
- Matthew 11:28-30
- Matthew 11:29
- Matthew 12:25 ESV
- Matthew 13:44
- Matthew 17:20
- Matthew 18:1
- Matthew 18:19-20
- Matthew 18:24
- Matthew 1:1
- Matthew 1:23
- Matthew 20:26
- Matthew 21:9-11
- Matthew 22:16
- Matthew 22:37
- Matthew 28:20
- Matthew 2:3
- Matthew 3:16
- Matthew 4:1
- Matthew 5:14
- Matthew 5:14-16
- Matthew 5:16
- Matthew 5:3
- Matthew 5:37 ESV
- Matthew 5:4
- Matthew 5:5
- Matthew 5:6
- Matthew 5:7
- Matthew 5:8
- Matthew 5:9
- Matthew 5:9 KJV
- Matthew 6:1
- Matthew 6:11
- Matthew 6:12
- Matthew 6:13
- Matthew 6:24
- Matthew 6:3-4 ESV
- Matthew 6:32-34
- Matthew 6:33
- Matthew 6:34
- Matthew 6:34 (TPT)
- Matthew 6:6
- Matthew 6:6-8
- Matthew 6:9
- Matthew 7:11
- Matthew 7:12 (NKJV)
- Matthew 7:7-11
- Matthew 8:20
- Matthew 9:27
- Micah 5:2
- Mothers Day gift
- Nahum 1:7
- Nehemiah 8:10
- Numbers 6:24-26
- Pamela Austin
- personalized gift
- Personalized scripture journal
- Philemon 1:22
- Philippians 1:15
- Philippians 1:3
- Philippians 2:11
- Philippians 2:16
- Philippians 2:3
- Philippians 2:4
- Philippians 3:10
- Philippians 3:12-14
- Philippians 3:14
- Philippians 3:7-9
- Philippians 4:11
- Philippians 4:13
- Philippians 4:4
- Philippians 4:6
- Philippians 4:6-7
- Philippians 4:6-7 (MSG)
- Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
- Philippians 4:8
- Philippians 4:8 KJV
- Prayer Journal
- Proverbs 11:2 ESV
- Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)
- Proverbs 12:25
- Proverbs 14:27 ESV
- Proverbs 15:1
- Proverbs 16:24
- Proverbs 16:3
- Proverbs 16:32
- Proverbs 16:9
- Proverbs 17:17
- Proverbs 17:22
- Proverbs 18:24
- Proverbs 19:21
- Proverbs 19:5
- Proverbs 1:7
- Proverbs 23:18
- Proverbs 24-26
- Proverbs 25:28 ESV
- Proverbs 26:2
- Proverbs 28:1
- Proverbs 29:23
- Proverbs 3:11 NLT
- Proverbs 3:11-12
- Proverbs 3:24-26
- Proverbs 3:3-6
- Proverbs 3:5
- Proverbs 3:5-6
- Proverbs 4:23
- Psalm 100:4
- Psalm 100:4-5
- Psalm 103:1-5
- Psalm 103:10
- Psalm 103:13
- Psalm 103:2-3 KJV
- Psalm 103:8
- Psalm 105:1
- Psalm 105:4
- Psalm 116:1-2 ESV
- Psalm 118:24
- Psalm 118:5
- Psalm 119:105
- Psalm 119:130 KJV
- Psalm 119:15-16
- Psalm 119:169
- Psalm 119:89
- Psalm 121: 2-3
- Psalm 121:2-3
- Psalm 12:6 NASB
- Psalm 130:5
- Psalm 130:7
- Psalm 139:1-2
- Psalm 139:1-2 (NIV)
- Psalm 139:14
- Psalm 13:5-6
- Psalm 141:8
- Psalm 142:5
- Psalm 143:10
- Psalm 145:8-9 (NKJV)
- Psalm 150:1-6
- psalm 16:11
- Psalm 16:5
- Psalm 16:7-8
- Psalm 17:6
- Psalm 18:32
- Psalm 18:39 (NKJV)
- Psalm 19:14
- Psalm 1:1
- Psalm 23:4
- Psalm 27:4
- Psalm 27:8
- Psalm 30:4-5
- Psalm 32:7
- Psalm 34:10
- Psalm 34:18
- Psalm 34:18 (NIV)
- Psalm 34:2 (NIV)
- Psalm 34:8
- Psalm 37:4
- Psalm 3:3
- Psalm 3:5
- Psalm 42:5-7
- Psalm 46:1
- Psalm 46:10
- Psalm 51:1
- Psalm 51:10 (NIV)
- Psalm 51:10-11
- Psalm 55:22
- Psalm 56:8
- Psalm 5:1-2
- Psalm 62:6 (NKJV)
- Psalm 62:8
- Psalm 63:1
- Psalm 63:3
- Psalm 63:3-4
- Psalm 63:5
- Psalm 63:7
- Psalm 66:5
- Psalm 68:19
- Psalm 71:5-6
- Psalm 73:23-24
- Psalm 73:26
- Psalm 73:26 (NIV)
- Psalm 77
- Psalm 77:1-2
- Psalm 77:13-14
- Psalm 84:11
- Psalm 91:1-2
- Psalm 91:11
- Psalm 91:14
- Psalm 91:15-16
- Psalm 91:4
- Psalm 96:4
- Psalms 103:6
- Psalms 147:4 (NIV)
- Psalms 16:11
- Psalms 20:6 NIV
- Psalms 36:7
- Psalms 39:13-14 NIV
- Psalms 55:22
- Psalms 71:19-21 NKJV
- Revelation 15:4
- Revelation 21:4
- Revelation 22:13
- Revelation 5:6
- Romans 11:33
- Romans 12:1 NIV
- Romans 12:10
- Romans 12:12
- Romans 12:2 ESV
- Romans 12:3
- Romans 13:10
- Romans 13:12
- Romans 13:8
- Romans 15:13
- Romans 2:1
- Romans 2:4 NLT
- Romans 3:25
- Romans 6:14
- Romans 8
- Romans 8:1
- Romans 8:1-2
- Romans 8:11 NLT
- Romans 8:17
- Romans 8:18
- Romans 8:28
- Romans 8:31 (NKJV)
- Romans 8:31-39
- Romans 8:37
- Romans 8:38-39
- Romans 8:39
- Romans 8:6
- sarah sherstad
- Sherry Shepherd
- Sierra Hayre
- Song of Songs 4:1
- Song of Songs 6:3 (NKJV)
- Songs of Songs 2:10-10
- Thomas E. McDaniels
- Thomas McDaniels
- valentines gift
- Wayne McCullough
- wedding gift
- Zechariah 2:13
- Zechariah 4:6
- Zephaniah 3:17

chris harper
Daily Devotional • Colossians 1:26
“...the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints.” - Colossians 1:26